Actress Anushka Sharma managed to become the talk of the town after her thunderous performance in Band Baaja Baarat and the actress admits that she is in a happy state of mind. Though the Bengaluru girl is fast gaining popularity, she insists that she is far from being a typical Bollywood star that people usually mob.
When people see me on the streets, they just let me be — at least in Mumbai people are sensible enough not to mob you. At the most, some ask me to pose for pictures or give them an autograph. I haven’t had any unpleasant experience till date.” Okay, so she doesn’t get mobbed by fans but what about male attention? “Honestly, nobody hits on me. I know it’s actually sad but that’s the truth. Tell me where is the time to meet a new guy and get to know him. I don’t meet men outside my work and the sad part is that I work round the clock, which leaves me with little chances of meeting my knight in shining armour, but I am hopeful,” she winks.
Ask the actress if she thinks that she got her due a tad bit late in the industry — after four films and she said, “Honestly, I can’t get pompous. As an actor you just have to do you work well and the praises and approvals you get after that are just added bonuses. I am definitely getting a lot of compliments and good gestures, but I don’t pay too much attention to it. I am here to do my job and I will make sure I do it really well.”
When people see me on the streets, they just let me be — at least in Mumbai people are sensible enough not to mob you. At the most, some ask me to pose for pictures or give them an autograph. I haven’t had any unpleasant experience till date.” Okay, so she doesn’t get mobbed by fans but what about male attention? “Honestly, nobody hits on me. I know it’s actually sad but that’s the truth. Tell me where is the time to meet a new guy and get to know him. I don’t meet men outside my work and the sad part is that I work round the clock, which leaves me with little chances of meeting my knight in shining armour, but I am hopeful,” she winks.
Ask the actress if she thinks that she got her due a tad bit late in the industry — after four films and she said, “Honestly, I can’t get pompous. As an actor you just have to do you work well and the praises and approvals you get after that are just added bonuses. I am definitely getting a lot of compliments and good gestures, but I don’t pay too much attention to it. I am here to do my job and I will make sure I do it really well.”